Alright...well im kinda new to this but umm i wanted to be random and start a discussion =) So this is a game ok......A question will be asked, and then u have to reply to it, then ask a question of ur own...and then the next replyer answers ur question etc. etc. And if u want to repeat the question u were asked to get a diffrent view of sum1 else just repeat the question or say (repeat) ok =) I guess I will ask the first question....Who is your favorite RJA member?

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I still remember being sixteen...does that count?! LMAO--------------Hmmm, I think I'll say Duke. Why? Well, honestly, I can't dance for sh*t...but I think his beard would tickle and that would make for a fun dance.

Hmmm...Which RJA member do you think would be the first one to cry along with their girlfriend/wife at a tear-jearker movie? (Examples: Notebook, Untamed Heart, Here On Earth)
I would take joey just for the hell of it =) it wuld be oober fun...

..i would like to take all..but ronnie is my choice

...who is the tallest rja mem??
hmm i think its duke or elias.

how excited are you for the new cd??!!
I'm really excited for the new CD... I'm doing nothing exept waiting... (im totally bored!)

if you had to choose someone to be your prom date who would you pick your BF your BFF or someone from RJA and who?
Okay...haven't answered anything in awhile, but I'll have to explain my answer for it to make any sense.. lol
I'll have to skip on the BF/Hubby...and even on RJA...and choose my BFF/Daughter Megan. But WHY do you ask? Am I braindead?
No. Here's the reason why. For more than 2 years now I have had to hear Megan say---"Oh, you mean that RJA concert that you went to when I was at prom. Sorry.-I wasn't there for that one." I swear if I had a nickel for each time, I'd be rich. (But to be fair, she did have Elias there at her prom so she should give me a little slack. Right?) So I figure if I choose her as the answer to this question over RJA then I wouldn't have to worry about the "...when I was at prom..." whining any more. LOL

Question:If the guys had a pet beaver...(see side story)...what would they name it?
mayde they will call it reddy or hottiezss... hehehe....
if you are in a prom what song of rja you gonna dance with your bf/gf?
of course it will be "your guardian angel"!
you have one day with the band in your home town.. where would you take them?
umm.. theres not too many places to go, but.. the beach.. [somehow its 'world famous'.. ? lol]
you didn't ask a question :) lol
oops =/ srry
I'll just start it up again by answering the last question like Katherine did and leave you a new question.
A: If RJA came to my hometown for one day I would take them to their own house and leave them there to enjoy a day of normalcy.
I know this is kind of strange answer, but my hometown is actually their hometown, too. Only thing in the 'Burg is SuperWalMart so they won't be missing anything. lol

Q: If you could take only one of the guys on a TV gameshow with you---who would it be and which gameshow would you take them to?









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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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