I can't wait and the venue they are playing in Manchester is awesome.

My main one will be Manchester, but I will probably go to Birmingham and London.

Who else is going?

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Which gig are you going too?
Panicking tickets not gone on sale for any of the dates I want to go to
I can't wait!! They started announcing it in November 06 and I've been annoying my friends by going on and on and on about it since then!
I'm going to the London one. I'm SO glad it's not during my GCSEs, that would have been so awful :|
Just worried about getting tickets now. Anyone know when they're released?
Just found out they are going on sale for Manchester, London and Birmingham at 9am tomorrow 14/03.

Not sure why the other dates have gone on sale already, but nevermind. I found them on seetickets.com not sure if anyone is selling them, but I guess they will be.
Glascow tix are on sale at
OK happy now got my tickets....Manchester, Birmingham and London it's gonna be amazing :D
I have already been! To Southampton -it was amazing! :D

lol I threw my cd at Ronnie in between songs and it hit him and he read out my bands name and said he would definately check it out! pretty good shot hehe! he seems like the nicest guy ever - and was impressed with how good he was at singing live too. yay! might go to Yeovil next week too..but my friends are lame and probs won't wanna go twice!

hope everyone enjoys their shows x
Went to the Manchester one, and it was amazing.
Yes Manchester was amazing and although I love the Roadhouse for gigs they should have played somewhere bigger and had it all ages or at least 14+, but apparently they didn't know it was over 18's
I'm not so sure about that really, we probably wouldn't have got the chance to meet them if they played at any other venue in town. I prefer the smaller gigs really anyway, bad thing about the Roadhouse is where the place all those pillars though ._. lol.
Yeah I guess so....and its always so damn hot in there no matter how hot or cold it is outside.



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