I need RJA guitar tabs for a talent show. I have sites I usually go to for tabs, but I want them to be more accurate.
I'm doing an RJA song acoustically in a talent show type thing with my sister. (not positive what song yet) we really wanted to do something old school rja. I'm playing and she's singing. but anyways I just wondered if anyone knew where I could get better tabs for their songs, or any tabs that is for the old stuff-or i'll just have to sit down and figure them out. I think we've got 2 months till the show.
can anyone help me?
much appreciated

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aww i don't have them cuz i don't play guitar but that sounds really kick ass! when u perform you should tape it and post it up on here!
Um Im not musically inclined like with instruments and reading music and all that stuff, BUT I know they sell their SHEET MUSIC at their web store..
Don't You Fake It Sheet Music


The '06 full-length debut from these Florida alt-rockers quickly went gold, propelled by their megahit “Face Down.” This songbook features notes & tab for that & 11 other tracks:

Cat And Mouse
Damn Regret
Face Down
False Pretense
Grim Goodbye
In Fate's Hands
Misery Loves Its Company
Seventeen Ain't So Sweet
Your Guardian Angel

Item #: J0AM07BOOK

umm more helpful would be the link... http://redjumpsuitapparatus.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?cp=115...



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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