mine is Ronnie and Elias whats yours

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I would buy that single on Itunes. =]
haha definitely the most sought after song.=)
Ronnie is one of the most talented people in this generation, with a really great heart, creates purely amazing original compositions and has a real smooth yet very powerful voice, honestly, I haven't seen or heard and looked up to such versatile vocalists on rockbands since Chester from Linkin Park, not until this guy came along. Elias on the other hand, executes insane guitar playing---contributes combinations of different influences of rock music and brought it to another level, not to mention their good looks. ;P
Ronnie Winter
Nothing to talk about.. just him..!!
stacie....someone has to WOman the merch :P

but seriosuly in the band um i'd say ronnie cause he's always sweet. + they all are so i'm sticking to stacie.:P
Yeah! Staci kicks ass!
Hmm Staci, now why in the world would Ronnie be your favorite?! Haha, kidding.
I think this is the first time in my life that I DON'T have a favorite band member. Granted, I haven't met them in person, but they seem to be genuinely awesome people with their own, unique awesomeness. There isn't even an ugly one lol...they're ALL hot!
so true......but the hottest one is Elias in my oppinion
cute, nice, great voice...
haha same here
i just posted that somewhere else yay
wait, what?? I feel lost....=[

posted whatT???!



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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