What makes u like sum1 from the opposite sex? what are the most important things, and what are the things that really just cap it off?

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hair.eyes.humour and height.
definently eyes and smile, although my weakness is guys with accents. its important that he has a sense of humor and is passionate about something. its not required but is a plus if he plays guitar or piano.
the NOSE.
I LOVE guys with BIG fuckin noses.

I mean HUGE. Like Adrian Brody style MASSIVE honkers.
I digg that.....soo much. You have no clue.

Personality has very little value in my book, because I don't date for relationships. I just wanna hook up and be done with them.
Hmm, well in appearence, I love the whole shaggy hair look, like you Brendan! I love your hair and eyes! But seriously, I love guys that are really passionate about music, someone you can really relate to. A boy that has some depth to him. I'm not attracted to girls at all, I'm not saying there's a single thing wrong with being gay or bi, but for a girl, a guy even, I think it's way more attractive if you're way good-looking, but you don't think you are. It's great to have self- confidence, but I think it's really cute when a boy is super cute but doesn't think he is one bit. Odd, I know, but that's my opinion on it.
For me its just this one boy. Even though we're done right now... what atrracted me to him was that he had this amazing smile and the kindest eyes i've ever seen. He's tall and overly confident. He wears my favorite men's cologne and has pretty good clothing taste. he's very family oriented and still made time for me. then he ran to my house just to invite me to his church the following night. the things that capped it off was that he was very modest and just surpised me with things and helped me out when we were just friends. =] now i hope i can get passed his deliberate lying this morning and get back to being his friend.
Eff Pat he sucks ass and I don't like him very much right now.
He's LUCKY that you even wanna be his friend.....

But then again you are amazing and most people, including myself, are lucky to be your friend.




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