We would like you guys to start requesting our new single "Damn Regret" on your local radio station. If you can't find your local station below please view this web page to get your stations number. Lets show them what's up and ring em off the hook!


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that is like my all time favorite song. nothing could ever beat your guardian angel.
yea so i was chillin one night listenin to chicago q101 and i had this maaaajor desiiire to text or call in a request for guardian angel. it was like this diiiiire desiiiire! at that time i had taken text off of my cell phone so i could save afew dollars(spend it on sugar instead) lol. and so i did not have the option to send texts. and so i had recieving a few random texts from cingular and i wondered hmm, do i have the option to send text again? and i thought i did too for a lil bit cuz i sent a text to q101( i lllllloooved the dj that was on air at the time too) and it looked like it went thru on my phone...(im tired of using technology). so they played guardian angel soon after that text.
wellllllll days or a a week or two after that i was testin out the text phenon on my ppl and they were like, NO YOU DONT HAVE TEXTS< I DONT GET UR TEXTS cuz we were seeing if i could send it.
lots of love rja!
since then i have bought the cd and listen to guardian angel on repeat!

me and a friend of mine did at 105.9
and they never played the song

in orlando? cuz i did it too.. and they never played it. They said they just played RJA and i was like, so what! you can NEVER listen to too much rja. ok, i wish i said that, but i was too tired and my friend was laughing at me.. and w/e....
I feel sorry for the ppl who does'nt know about RJA.. :) So I will probably request it on our local radiostation.... buh bye <3 :D but if its ever played on MTV I would go kill myself!! or at least find a new fave band XD

93.1 Q93 Alexandria
god damn but i just added it off the limewire and myspace so i got it
It is frustrating to try and call in, but technology has improved to help with this issue. We all are on a computer right now...use it to our advantage. A couple of random people calling into a narrowminded random station may not seem like it helps, but it does keep the name out there. What I have found by working several street teams is to concentrate first on the big markets. It doesn't matter if you live in that city. Stations like LA or NY are important in that other cities will sometimes follow their lead. Those sites have a request form that takes a few seconds to fill out and ...click...you're done! If everyone works on the same cities then we can have a voice loud enough to be heard. Then the other stations will follow in their footsteps. We know RJA fans are willing to click for our boys. LOL Look at how the Energizer contest turned out all summer without them having to say a word.
We've got some radio stations here in our city and I am usually one of the first ones to call for RJA's songs mostly and ends up getting on top.. haha connections baby..;P
Hah, they won't play it, so I called them 25 more times.
And, I plan on calling non-stop until the losers do.
...I juSt CaN'T caLL ThaT raDiO stations out there because im not in the u.s...im in the phillipines but you know what radio station here already play the song damn regret and the song too already landed the stations weekly and daily countdown....last week the song damn regret is a new entry in the countdown it landed on top 20(out 0f 30)wow!!im really surprise how the song goes up in the charts so fast!!now they are top 4 already in the daily countdown in here...thank for all the filipino voters that vote damn regret in this station...and another thing the songs your guardian angel is in top 5(over 40) and cat and mouse(yah thats right cat and mouse)is in top 14(over 30)...thats all



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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