of RJA music. =] who has their CD? Who's excited about their next one?

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I have the CD, I'm completely stoked for the next.
ME TOO! lol. <3 their music overall. no matter what it seems.
goshh! i wish i had their first one, but i have DYFI deluxe edition, and i downloaded AOL sessions undercover off of itunes,

but i did download the first cd from limewire ;) shh..

im so excited for the new album! this is my plan, go to walmart at 11 pm and wait till they put it out on the shelves, buy it, run to the car and blast it, and jump around and dance, actually, listen to it on the way home, florida is unbelievably scary at night ;) =O ...at least in my town
so is my town in so cal.

little lighting... and many cowwwwwwws.
i was sad Monday, they sold outta the acoustic CD...
but its ok, Jon said he might do somethin about it though... i think
We didn't make it back to the table on Monday, but we got ours on Tuesday. I guess they got more in.
oh, Staci said it was cause they werent using the bus.. i think..
did u go to the gainsville concert tuesday?
Yeah. Then the Tampa show on Wednesday. Only a few more days til Bamboozle! (Shhhhh-that will be my 80th RJA show. I'm not obsessed...I'm just dedicated.)
thats awesome =]
i wanted to go to all 3, but my parents made me settle for one, but as long as i got to go to one i was insanely happy =]



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