about bands
i think bands want u 2 listen 2 ther music and try and relate 2 it not just like it and lately ive been sein alot of pple my frndz or ppl i no actualy worship the frickin band or rapper or singger chriss brown 4 example ya he is good butt u shldnt b wasting ur time starin at a wall listinin 2 his hit music prayin 2 him COM ON PPL also bands like the rend jumpsuit apparatus im not cumpletely sure pretty sure based on wut ive seen plz listen 2 this and tell me wut u think honestly i think they dont care about being rock stars or wut ever just trien 2 make ther way in life havin fun playin on stage witch is kool.
and rappers shld just die im srry butt they shld alls they rapp about is how much money they hav and how many girls they can pick up how many times they hadd sex(god i no ppl hoo like rap r gonna hate on me)SHUTT UP NO 1 CARES!!! and i probly said this already butt again dont worship ur band or rapper or singer appreciate em other wise we wldnt hav music iight well thats wutt i gotta say peace

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My opinion is Chris Brown suxs. Hey don't hate me if you like him. I wouldn't like go on his website to hate him or anything. He's just not my style.
Not all rappers rap about this that kind of stuff. I will agree with you that most of the music from rap artists today has to deal with what you are saying but not all are like that. Especially in the 1980s and before when rap was just starting many rap artists rapped about the actually issues of the world and what Black people had to deal with as a race. In the 2000s of course that had to change and everyone started talking about their "bling" and all the women they can get and ass and boobs. This is one of the reasons I don't listen to much rap music at all. Also, I don't think anyone should worship any musical artist. Worshiping just goes a little too far. Regardless of what they sing and write and perform about, they are still just people.
i agree. i love rock music, it makes me fell, it explains whats its like to battle depression and stuff like that. i hate rap (i love linkin park tho!!!)
rappers make me sick!!!!!

i have had the privlage to meet some people that there music means the world to me. funeral for a freind, and rise against to name a few, and i have learnt there people like me and you, who happen to be in amazing bands, its pretty mind blowing!!
i really want to meet mcr, not to say i met someone famous, but to tell them what there music means to me, how it saved my life.

THANK YOU!!!! I so agree with you. rap is disgusting. People should appreciate bands and their members, not freak them out or stalk them.
...i also slight hate rap because they're so fast to speak that i didn't understand the lyrics well



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