i hate to change the subject, but rja is definitely one of my favorite bands, ive seen them live four times, and i got there logo tattooed on my wrist, which was seriously painful. but another one of my favorite bands is all time low, and i like them for some similar and some different reasons then rja. theyre musics different but still original and great, so anyone want to talk about all time low, or any of there other favorite bandss,, go ahead.
also,, if you do like all time low, you should join the network alltimelow.ning.com

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i havent listened to them much, but i plan to. they're gonna be touring alongside RJA in feb, so im gonna see them. for that reason, my friend dan is lending me his all time low cd's so i can get into them properly. he played me a few songs and i liked wat i heard
yeah for real they're really good
I love All Time Low.
Favourite song is the Party Scene, although their new album is love.
ok just downloaded a few songs and i just fell in love with remembering sunday
Yarr, Remembering Sunday has gotta be a favourite of mine too.
Juliet Simms is amazing in it.
i think my favorite song changes all the time. sometimes its rememberin sunday, but usually its more of the older stuff. like the party scene or the girls a straight up hustler.
yeah All Time Low are pretty awesome
their sound is so original and makes you want to dance or something!
i really like Dear Maria, Count Me In and Remembering Sunday.. i also really like Hometown Heros
agh i cant choose!!
All TIme Low




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