K. It goes like this.....you go through the alphabet starting from A all the way down to Z naming bands that start with the letter you're on.
I'll start =]


now someone do B!!!!!!!!

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Sowi... I get easily lost to places a lot! =)
especially restaurants haha!
w- Wendy's

lmao... good times. =]
I forget how to spell it...but uhh

Xiomarra? on Melrose.
Y- YOSHINOYA!?! lol idk how to spell it but i haven't seen one in forever either.
DUDE. There's one in fucking Azusa....I was there the other day and I had JUST finished eating jack in the box....and then I saw the fucking Yoshinoya and FREAKEDDDD. You don't even KNOWWW how badly I miss that place!!! Waba Grill is the only place that comes close....they've got brown rice bowls too =]

idk any restaurants that start with z =[
DENG! I just remembered....ZENDEJAS!
chili relleno burrito yummyyy

we should go.

manana? lol
I can't tomorrow I got to go to a meeting with my new boss right after school....
unless you wanna go there for lunch now that you're all ON CAMPUS and shit!! Or during 4th I have Statistics and tomorrow we're not doing anything..
here's a list of places we need to go that we haven't been to in TOO long...
Doubles-Chili Cheese Fries
Tom's Farms-Chili Cheese Fries
JJ'S!!!! - Chocolate Villa....
and those are just the very important ones...=]
and Sonic burger whenever we get to NORTHERNNN CALIIIII =]
OMG!!! Bryce hasn't messaged me back yet. lol he's prolly gettin loaded. but tom's is a definate... hey march 8th there's a show for this indie chick she's kinda like colbie rachel mcgoye. i was telling you about her. i like her sound... cuz apparently i'm into lyrically emotional music. =] lol. i need gas money and we should go this weekend... unless you're too cool to stick with me... and you MUST take your pills!!!
just text me next timmeee...we're so obnoxious on these forums...haha.
fridays the meeting, sat-disneyland, sunday-jewish worship day with Lindsey hahaa....sat isn't a definite...i'll let you know
SOMEONE PICK A NEW TOPIC! I picked the last one....

um... Cultures...
not too difficult...


woot woot i lurve you ppl!!! effin HAWTTTT!!!! ugh...



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