K. It goes like this.....you go through the alphabet starting from A all the way down to Z naming bands that start with the letter you're on.
I'll start =]


now someone do B!!!!!!!!

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fuuuuuck yeahhh=]]] gimme all your strawberriesss. We needa hit up Mimi's and JJ's SOOOON.


N-Nikkos! =]
O - Olive Garden
P- Pinnacle Pete's
Sir Winstons! haha. I think that's what it's called, right? The restaurant at the Queen Mary??
I guess it doesn't count then right? But it's bomb. Whateva...QUIZNO'S! I

I LOOOOOVE THAT PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S- Soup Plantation....

i remember when gay timmy used to work there.
now he's in daly city in a high position in a cosmetics
company.... i miss him. he needs to get me some stuff
from there huh!?! lol. too bad the modeling fell through. =/
I know but that chick he was modeling with was STUNNING.
I mean she must've been the most beautiful girl in the world OR just very photogenic...
She was this GORGEOUS little Asain sex kitten and EVERY photograph looked SO high fashion cuz she had FLAWLESS bone structure.

T-The Ivy.
ahhh that place is amazinngggggg.

Ularoo.. Yah It's a bar here. i barhop a lot so..

Wait, we're talking about a place right?=)

Just making sure.=)

Winston cigarette plantation which I have no idea where, all i know is it exists tho lol
It's restaurantssss.....! hha. keep up mari!!!



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