Well, I love all their videos but the best video for me is definitely "Your Guardian Angel"... Would you agree? I mean even the video was shown quite awhile now but its still gives me the goosebumps everytime I see it, like a cold winter-piratey feeling in a mysterious kind of way. It's like a modern old version of shakespearean musical (with the outfits and everything.lol). In short, I just love it and everybody else in it. RJA absolutely RULEZ!=)

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ok i've got it. thanx!=)
No problem.
Hahaha. How sweeett =]]
Do you know jon?
Oh you mean jon wilkes? You guys know each other? I swear I could imagined him doing it in a slow motion scene, it could have been really funny and cute. =)
HaHa! Yeah, when we were at the Raleigh, NC show with Madina Lake, Audition, and so forth back on Oct.29, 2006 he reinacted that scene for us too! That was right before he dropped his drawers and showed us his new tattoo. LOL The people standing next to us on the front row were alittle puzzled and looking at us like~ 'who are they?'
I seriously can't watch that video without seeing him tlt his head and walk towards us :)
So I must be the last living RJA fan who hasn't seen Jon "come through the door"

I'm gonna ask him next time
Well you're not alone... =(
Definitely not alone...At least you guys got to see them live first...=(
Ahh....tight so I'm one of three.
maybe we should start a group on this thing...
the "We HAVEN'T seen Jon 'come through the door' but really WANT TO group"
call ourselves the WHSJCTTDBRWTG for short.
hmmm...maybe we should. Good thinking.lol It'll be a classic.=)
Aw... He is just sooo adorable.haha
if I were you, i would probably take pictures of it.lol From the looks of it, he is really a funny guy and has a good head on his shoulder, i mean all of them are don't get me wrong.=)



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