I'm sooo sick of the News.

News. Friggin' News. Kid shootings everywhere.

And the message being said: "It's the kids listening to death metal, enjoying violent video games and violent movies that we need to watch out for, and to ensure safety we should not let our children have such influences."

How about this for our freaking safety: LOCK UP YOUR GUNS!

I don't know where I could go and get a RIFLE. Other than HOME. And I'm sure you'd have to be older than most of these kids are to even buy one!

I listen to death metal and "bad music", I love violent video games, camping [AKA sniping] is my favorite thing to do, especially with the gore on 100% and shooting virtual people in the head. I adore violent movies, my favorite will always be Black Christmas. I mean, death by sharpened candy cane and spiking oneself on a Christmas tree? Priceless. Makes me laugh every time.

But I'm NOT a bad kid. I won't be shooting anyone.

I'm not trying to defend the kids who would like to "go out in style/with a bang", but I am trying to defend what the people are bashing. Placing blame where it shouldn't be placed.

How about this? Blame the kids who didn't give a damn, the kids who were so manically depressed by being rejected in society that they caved underneath the negative influences.

And obviously if your kid idolizes the Columbine Killers, and even threatens to shoot him/herself or anyone else, they need help right away. Don't just stop short of the solution that the kid was a psychopath, because they weren't. Once upon a time, they were regular kids like you and me. The only difference was they had a weaker emotional background and couldn't deal with all the crap being thrown at them, so I agree with the "misery loves company" aspect. I agree when they say, "he or she didn't want to go out alone". Hell, if I had been alone throughout my life, I wouldn't want to die alone either.

All I'm saying is, stop blaming the music and movies and the video games. Stop trying to find scapegoats. Stop trying to pin the blame where it's not supposed to be pinned.

Again (because I scared my Gramma before) I'm NOT SIDING WITH THE SHOOTERS. I'm just trying to stop the propaganda against music, movies, and games we've been growing up around our whole lives.

Also, we should keep this in mind. The world has always been messed up and twisted. When African Soldiers serving the British revolted and killed hundreds of British men, women, and children after they promised that if they surrendered, they would be let free, the British soldiers turned around and forced the African soldiers to lick up the blood of their victims, and then strapped them to cannons and blew them apart.

Now, since we have the media poking it's wart covered nose where it doesn't belong, everything that happens that is sick and twisted is blown up into this big crisis, whereas if people just stop and think, it's been happening all throughout history. Horrible, disgusting things that humans do to each other when fueled by hate, anger, even love, and misery.

It's a sick, sad world, and it always has been. I admire the people who have suffered through it, especially if they suffered through it alone, because they didn't cave in and do something stupid like today's generations are doing.

Sorry for the rant, it's just... I really hate looking at the news and turning on the TV lately. I really, really do.

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i agree with u. those people are so ignorant. it pisses me off.
I've been licking coconut skins and we've been hanging out.
what pisses me off is they blame marilyn manson.
it's like seriously leave the dude alone
after columbine, he lost all will to write music because of the uproar.
he does what he does, as shock value, he's doing it on purpose
but he comes across as an intelligent all round nice guy
that is trying to provoke people into reactions.
and people just lap it up
because they can't see him for what her really is.
I agree with you, too. Marilyn Manson has nothing to do with anything, yet why are people blaming him? I believe one of his quotes was "People have always been looking for a scapegoat. Well, here I am." and also, after asked what he would say to the Columbine shooters, he said "I wouldn't say anything, I'd listen, which is obviously what everyone else didn't do." So yeah, I agree with you.
People need to look at the real causes of school shootings and such (like emotional instability, depression, etc.) instead of blaming everyone or everything that they don't like or understand.

On a side note, when was the last time something positive was on the news, because I honestly can't remember. I guess it's because negativity is all people look for anymore.
yes! people are so pessimistic its unbelievable. Thats another reason i love rja is because they give me hope, man they give me hope for rockstars, since most of them are white trash thats in it for the fame, one of my favorite songs now is "cut you hair" by Pavement because its so true,

"Attention and fame
Career, career, career...."



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