i saw them play at warped tour last summer, and it was one of the best shows i've ever been to. they got picked to play an encore, so for the two extra songs, they played 'your guardian angel' and 'the grim goodbye' with the sun setting right behind the stage. one of the best days ever.
so what about you? ever seen rja play live? if so tell about it here... if not what are some other great shows you've been to? :D

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im amazed at how many times u guys get to see them. yet the soundwave tour in feb is the first time they're coming to australia, or so i've heard. where's the equality? :P

so yeah, im supposed to be seeing them soon, but i havent yet
I've been a die hard, hardcore fan for 4 years (since I was only 11 years old) and have never been to a concert, my mom isn't up for traveling all that far and the closest they've been was 5 hours traveling time so I've never got that amazing chance yet.
My mom has realized how much they mean to me, and how much their music has touched me, and has really really gotten into them, so this coming summer, no matter how far, is my chance. I'm estatic!!
nice work! congratulations!

my mum doesnt like most of my music... the only time i can listen to it is either on headphones or when no1 else is home
I saw RJA at the House of Blues in Orlando about a month ago. They rocked! (duh)... "In Fate's Hands" is my favorite song, and ever since the first time I heard it my dream was to mosh to it, and I finally got to. It was insane. Life goal number one has been completed, haha. =)
yeah! it was AMAZING!

it was in november at the house of blues, it was so much fun singing along and being right there, i was sooo close, i had a perfect place, they crowd surfers didnt get in the way since i was at the side,

It was awesome since they hung out before and after in downtown disney, I saw joey when i got sushii! Then i talked a little w/ him after. It was SWEET!

I saw elias too, but i was too stunned to do anything, and then he left, no worries though.
I've seen RJA a total of 4 times now.
The first time was at a small small show on 11/16/06 in Gainesville, FL. That show was awesome. got to be right up on the stage cuz the venue was so small, and i got a picture with Elias. That was what my sister and I call "The show that started it all". Then i saw them on the Take Action! Tour in Feb. of '07 in Orlando, FL. That was an amazing show. And once again i was right up in front of the crowd but i didn't get to meet any of the guys at that one, unfortunately. Then i saw them on Warped Tour in Tampa, FL. biggest crowd of RJA fans i've ever seen. lol. the crowd sucked because too many people were crowd surfing over me and i got kicked in the head, so i only got to watch like half of the set. But the part that i did get to watch was fantastic. Ronnie was dancing alot, which made me ecstatic. lol. And the last RJA show i went to was on 11/23/07. The best show to date. They were off the Richter Scale. They all did an amazing job. And then afterwards, it being the day before thanksgiving and all, Ronnie left with Stacy, so i didn't get to meet him. but i stuck around and got to meet and take pictures with Joey, Duke, and Elias. and Kirsten Storms of course. haha. = D
ugh... so jealous of u ppl who've seen them heaps... oh well, im seeing them soon. expect lots of raves about them when i get back lol
RJA is amazing i have seen them and met them jon is sooo chill and sweet, ronnie is the man ! elias, duke, and joey are also chill and cool ! if u ever get a chance to meet them DO IT !
I saw them at the last two Warped Tours. I was lucky enough to get to meet them at this last Warped, in Montreal, and they were such nice guys. It was an amazing show. They put on such an amazing show! Unfortunately they did not play 'Your Guardian Angel' which would have been amazing, but it was by far the best show I've seen. I will never forget it.
Have a beautiful day:]
well where im gonna see them, at soundwave, apparently theres gonna be merch signing tents and stuff set up, so im hopeful
yea i seen them play at warped tour last summer in cleveland. it wuz so awsome. they sounded relly good live.
I saw them warped too...and bamboozle. Fucking amazing though, on the real. If they would play more west coast shows then I can say I've seen them more....But apparently they like Florida and surrounding states better. I'm gonna call that hometown favoritism...and it's discrimination, Honey, DISCRIMINATION! They need to come to Cali some more so Kelly can feel the love. Straight up.



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