i saw them play at warped tour last summer, and it was one of the best shows i've ever been to. they got picked to play an encore, so for the two extra songs, they played 'your guardian angel' and 'the grim goodbye' with the sun setting right behind the stage. one of the best days ever.
so what about you? ever seen rja play live? if so tell about it here... if not what are some other great shows you've been to? :D

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I saw them at Warped Tour Luck 13 as well. It was amazzingg!! Considering Warped Tour was my first real concert. RJA won that energizer contest so they played extra minutes. We were pretty close to the stage. Everything was sooo amazing. I can't wait to see them again. :D
I haven't seen them yet but I'll will be when they come over to Australia for The Soundwave Festival =]
I've seen them live three times. The first time I saw them was my first concert ever, actually. How perfect is that?
Hahaa, I saw them at Lucky 13, too, and about a month ago at The Vic in Chicago,
They didn't win for extra time at Warped Tour around us though :/
I was so mad.

The last time I saw them, I got to meet Jon, and my friend caught a water bottle that Elias threw. It was amazing!
i saw them at warped and they were amazing live. i thought they were going to be the type of band that rocked on the cd, but sucked live (boys like girls was a huge dissapointment) but when they came out and started to play, i was amazed. it was totally awesome and i loved every second of it. my only regret is not being able to push my way through their insane mosh pit. it was almost as bad as the underoath mosh. Dx
i would love to see them live. The only problem is one of my best friends who I got obsessed with RJA isn't allowed to go to concerts and I almost refuse to see RJA without her. She calls me her "Guardian Angel".
I saw them last year at this really big local concert in West Palm Beach.
It was amazing, even though the pit was insane!
paramore is amazing live... saw them at warped last summer .
Paramore is so amazing. I saw them about a month ago with The Starting Line. It was insane. :D
They are amazing, and I saw them with a bunch of other bands on the 1st.
I only got to see a little bit, though, because I got trampled and had to go to the hospital.
14 people were sent to the hospital, 16 were treated for minor injuries, and there were more who just didn't get treated or whatever.
They rock, but their crowds are NUTS!
At least in West Palm Beach, that is.
Is it like that at all their shows?
ive seen them twice...
at warped tour 07 and at bakesale 06
each time i saw them it was like they kept getting better and better
i've never seen them live D: they'll probably never come to new zealand ahaha. even though they posted a bulletin in janurary saying they were soon. so much for that eh.
I've seen them four times! Twice at Warped and then twice at the NorVa here in Norfolk, VA. All of them have been amazing, and I've met the band twice. Sadly I missed them at the Winter Meltdown last Tuesday D:



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