i saw them play at warped tour last summer, and it was one of the best shows i've ever been to. they got picked to play an encore, so for the two extra songs, they played 'your guardian angel' and 'the grim goodbye' with the sun setting right behind the stage. one of the best days ever.
so what about you? ever seen rja play live? if so tell about it here... if not what are some other great shows you've been to? :D

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go west coasttt! come see ME! =]
yes! i have for my birthday!! I went to their concert in Norfolk,Va! It was amazing.....they were the best band in concert for sure!!!! i cant wait to go to more of their concerts!They are the best band ever!!!!The other bands that played there were Paramore,The starting line,angels and airwaves,finger eleven,Shiny toy guns,silverchair,jimmy eat world,the bravery[they were all amazing!!!]......haha so yea it was the best day of my life!!!! they sang a ton of songs!grim goodbye,damn regret,your guardian angel,and a ton of other ones :]
Sadly, I've only seen them once and it was at last year's Bamboozle concert. I plan on going every year to see them and maybe if New York gets lucky, they'll play over here! *crossing fingers* =]
So you are going to Bamboozle this year? There are several of us here going. We really need to get together and meet. What you think? I'd love to meet fellow Ning RJA fans :)
If you do go end up going to west coast warped tour hit me upp. I'm going to all the so. cal, nor. cal, and AZ datesss. holllaaa! =]
....I doN'T EVER sEE rJa LivE beCauSe iM iN ThE phiLLipiNeS aNd rJa aRe iN aMeRiCa sO I wiSh rJa coMe heRe iN ThE PhiLLiPiNes......heY gUyz,You KnoW yOu aRe LuCky beCauSe yOu sEE rJa sO maNy TimEs....aNd iM sO vERy jeaLouS oF yOu guYz....
I saw them Monday [4-21] and it was so good!!!!!
met every1 from rja



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