okay you warpers.........who has bought their ticket to jacksonville's warped date of 7-13-08? What I want to know from peps is how much did you pay for your tix? I got online yesterday at ticketmaster.com and those bitches were 29.81 + 9.00 c.c.+ 2.00 handling fee which = 45 bucks....come on, are you kidding me? is this really the going price for warped tickets? then i called fye cause they are a ticket master outlet and they claim that they are not. yeah...thats why ticketmaster's site says view locations of outlet centers in your area and first to come up well....fye...they are dumbasses. just like the last time i went their to get tickets for Saosin, I got bathune(sp) cookman college football game tickets? wtf? does anyone know any place in jacksonville that i can these tickets for warped cheaper than what i am seeing on ticketmaster.com? help me out guys.....i really don't want to pay 45 bucks to go see some bands i like but I will pay it just to see my "girls"(u know who you are p, s, p2, l, m,) i remember when i first started going to warped more than 10 years ago and the tickets were 15 bucks......this is rediculous!!!!

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i know this is crazy....im still goin you know that. not passing up a day to hang and see you guys.....hopefully the fye dumbasses will know their shit when i go by there today to get the tix. I just can't believe they are that much. I even tried to go to cheaptickets.com and shit they were even more there....they were going from what they call cheap of 61 bucks all the way up to 88 bucks and i even saw where people were trying to sell their tickets on this site and some were going for as much as 224.00 buckaroos!!! I guess with the cost of fuel and food and everything else is the reason they are so much but come on....just two years ago i think i only paid 25 with the service fee and everything so that's less than a dollar to see what 50+ bands? yeah I won't be buying shit as far as souveniers unless its the dollar stickers and pins and those probably won't be that cheap....thats why i said i am drinking as much beer as i can before i get there cause those are probably gonna be about 10-12 bucks compared to the 5 that they normally are. but I am counting down the days......oh yeah forgot to tell you...be in your best interest to wear shorts or a skirt cause july weather up here will be putting some where in the mid to upper 90's (94-98) and the feel like will be 100+. last year ppl were dropin like fly's due to the heat and sure from wearing pants....ima goin w the cut of jeans that look like capris, black tank and my converse.....flip flops will have your feet looking like a "black mess" by the end of the day!
Im goin to the Warp tour here in Maryland on 7-16-08 =) I also went on ticketmaster and they cost like 31.00...but I already got mine for 28.00 so im good =)



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